How do I keep my prostate gland healthy

Prostate, which remains stable after birth; It grows with the change in hormonal structure in adolescence and reaches its normal size by the age of 20. The prostate, which remains at its normal size between the ages of 20 and 40, grows again after the age of 40. This second growth, which is an undesirable growth, occurs with the contribution of changing hormonal structure and genetic background.

The most common diseases of the prostate are BPH (benign enlargement of the prostate), prostate cancer and prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate). These three diseases can cause urinary discomfort such as night urination, frequent urination, burning when urinating, inability to empty completely. Rarely, it can cause bleeding or ejaculation problems. BPH (benign enlargement of the prostate) and prostate cancer are seen in the age group over 40, while prostatitis is the disease of younger men.

The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is the most used parameter in the diagnosis of prostate diseases. PSA, a protein produced only by the prostate in the body, increases as it enters the blood during prostate disease. Therefore, any deterioration that may occur in the prostate tissue causes an increase in PSA. These include inflammation of the prostate, prostate cancer, and benign enlargement of the prostate.

As the world’s population ages, the number of people who will need treatment for prostate disease will increase. Benign prostate enlargement is present in 75% of 80-year-old men. If we have discomfort in the urinary tract, we should consult a urologist. If we have a first-degree relative with prostate disease in the family, we should have a prostate check every year from the age of 40, or from the age of 50.

Apart from this, the Mediterranean diet, high consumption of red vegetables and fruits, and adequate intake of vitamin D contain protective characteristics for prostate diseases.

There are many treatment alternatives for prostate diseases. Lifestyle regulation, if necessary, drug therapy is one of the simplest and primary methods of treatment. Apart from this, prostate operations can be performed with methods such as high-energy laser systems (such as green light), high-frequency sound waves (HIFU), and cryotherapy in light of new technological developments. In the treatment of prostate cancer, the chances of success have increased considerably with the use of new drugs and especially robotic systems.

Today, with the widespread use of the Internet, it has become very easy to access information. At the same time, a lot of inaccurate and unverified information creates confusion. I will summarize some of them; Standing or sitting urination makes no difference to the prostate. No relationship was found between the frequency of sexual intercourse and prostate diseases. Prostate diseases can be seen even without urinary discomfort.

The prostate is a disease whose symptoms can be reduced through the use of medicinal plants. Beneficial plants for the prostate:

1) Saw Palmetto

The plant, which is a species of palm tree and known as saw palmetto, is one of the most widely used herbal remedies in prostate treatment.

Saw palmetto, found in medicines or capsules prepared for prostate enlargement, has a particularly reducing effect on urination.

2) broccoli

Prostate cure prepared with broccoli helps reduce symptoms.

250 grams of broccoli are thrown into 1 liter of boiling water and boiled for 5-6 minutes.

Boiled broccoli is filtered.

Filtered water is divided into three parts and consumed on an empty stomach in the morning, at noon and in the evening.

Leftover broccoli can also be eaten in salads.

It is recommended to eat at least half an hour after consuming the broccoli cure.

3) St. John’s Wort

Approximately 500 grams of St. John’s wort is poured into 8 liters of boiling water and boiled for 40 minutes.

The boiling mixture is filtered and consumed on an empty stomach at least 1 hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

4) Prostate Tea

The tea is made from herbs such as horse chestnut, thuja leaves, juniper seeds, unopened cypress cones, grass root, parsley, nettle, and mistletoe.

You can drink 4-5 glasses a day on an empty stomach before meals.

5) green tea

Green tea, which has been consumed as a source of antioxidants for 5,000 years, accelerates the elimination of toxins and harmful substances in the body.

Green tea, which prevents the formation of kidney stones and heart disease, greatly reduces and prevents the effects of this disease when consumed by people diagnosed with prostate.

6) Pomegranate

In addition to magnesium, potassium, folate, and especially B vitamins, pomegranates are the richest source of antioxidants you can eat.

Pomegranate, which increases the quality and quantity of sperm for male reproductive health, also prevents the spread of cells that cause prostate cancer.

7) Garlic

The most important mineral that stops the prostate is selenium. Consuming garlic, which is a source of selenium, is one of the most effective ways to fight prostate cancer.

You can benefit from its antibiotic and antioxidant properties by consuming plenty fresh, in tea, or cooked.

8) Tomato

Studies have shown that people who consume tomatoes regularly are less likely to develop prostate disease.

Thanks to its lycopene and antioxidant content, consuming tomatoes, especially in season and unpeeled, is a good option for prostate treatment.

9) Pumpkin Seeds

Consuming 1 handful of pumpkin seeds a day will satisfy your body’s needs for magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc.

It is good for many ailments like parasites, reproductive health, hemorrhoids, prostate, cardiovascular health.

10) Walnuts

Hazelnuts, which are a storehouse full of vitamin E, magnesium, protein, iron, phosphorous and selenium, should be consumed by patients diagnosed with prostate.

In addition to prostate cancer, it protects the muscle and bone structure, reduces bad cholesterol, strengthens the immune system.

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