Be Sure Not To Ignore Flat Feet – Five Hidden Dangers!

Straight or flat feet are very common in both adults and children. But this problem cannot be ignored because, if left untreated can cause health problems.

The human foot is a very complex and consists of 26 bones and 33 joints even, and is powered by more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Also, foot wears the total weight of the body making the most loaded part of the body.

Although designed to be strong and resilient, a disease that most often affects this part of the body is very common. It is a deformation or bent, feet that occur in childhood, and it should not be ignored.

Here are 5 health problems caused by the foot deformity:

  • Obesity
  • Too little movement in childhood
  • Ankle injury
  • Diabetes
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Age
Flat Arch
Flat Arch
  1. Pain in the knees is one of the most common causes of flat feet. This happens because the weight of your body is incorrectly allocated and the pressure on the bone rapidly consumes the cartilage of the knee, which again can become a big problem.
  2. Strain on the foot for a long time in an unnatural position makes muscles weak causing the foot shape to change. In addition the foot becomes wider and longer, toes are starting to be very painful.
  3. Pain during running occurs when the foot spine is placed in an unnatural position. What results in strong pain in the feet, calves is usually prolonged standing or physical activity.
  4. Pressure on certain parts of the body, including blood vessels, can lead to poor circulation. It is felt mostly when there are longer standing periods, and then pains in the hips and lower back work start to appear. In the long term, this problem can lead to the formation of varicose veins.
  5. Headache, accompanied by back pain is often caused by a combination of flat feet. Every step we take is linked to our feet. With this problem the muscles of the flat feet work at higher load, all to help stabilize the body during movement. This can cause a chain reaction of problems that range from pain in the feet, knees, and hips. Wrong posture affects circulation and muscle strain.

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